"A Special Issue of the International Journal of Radiation Biology (Editors: Katherine Vallis, Roger Martin and Nadia Falzone) is being compiled to commemorate the 9th International Symposium on Auger Processes. Attendees of the Symposium and other scientists who wish their work to be considered for inclusion in the Special Issue should submit manuscripts in the usual way"
Late-Breaking Abstract submission
- Late breaking abstracts will be considered for presentation at the Conference, however they will not be considered for any prizes or awards. Please note that only abstracts containing novel data which became available in the last six months will be considered for late breaking submission. The late breaking submission dates are Monday 15th July - Friday 9th August.
- Presenting authors must register for the Conference. Please ensure that you have registered and paid the appropriate registration fee by the deadline. Accepted abstracts for which a presenting author has not registered and paid the registration fee will be withdrawn, will not appear in any Conference publication, and will not be presented at the Conference. The deadline for registration and abstract is Friday 9th August.
Abstract Guidelines
- Abstract submissions are invited from all those interested in attending
- Oral presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts
- The majority of accepted abstracts will be for poster presentations. Posters must be portrait and A0, 841 mm (width) by 1189 mm (height) in size.
- Conflicts of Interest: All conflicts of interest should be disclosed
- Financial Support: Financial support received in regard of the work described should be acknowledged.
- Ethical Approval: All human or animal experimental studies presented MUST have prior Ethics Approval from institutional authorities. This must be declared in the Methods.
- Drug Names: Use generic drug names with the proprietary names in brackets e.g. xxx (yyy). Disclose the identity of experimental agents and/or technologies discussed.
- A number of student abstracts will be picked to give an oral presentation during the conference, each presentation should last approximately 10 minutes.
- Successful presenters (oral and poster) will be notified by Friday 5th July 2019.
Abstract format
- Abstracts should be up to 300 words. In addition, a title, a list of authors (full names), presenting author to be underlined, author affiliations to be denoted by numbers in superscript and up to 3 references (as required) should be provided. You may include one figure with a legend of up to 80 words.
- Text should be in “MS word” format, Calibri font size 11. Title should be in sentence case.
- Where included, references should list the first author of the study only followed by et al.
- Please indicate at the end of your abstract if you have a preference for presentation format (i.e. prefer oral, prefer poster or no preference)
- Organise your abstract as follows: Purpose/introduction – Methods – Results - Discussion/Conclusion.
Abstract Submission - Closed
- All abstracts to be submitted to be sent by email directly to Auger2019@oncology.ox.ac.uk
- The abstract deadline is 5pm on Friday 21st June. Selected abstracts to be published in a special edition of IJRB
Dismantling and Removal
- All posters are to be removed by the submitting party at the end of the conference on the 24th August at 1pm.